segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

The book chosen

Hi guys. Hope this will find you well, probably watching some soap-opera with some nice popcorn and a good company. Being part of those in the less favored stratum of our society, here I am studying and trying to get some things done…

Enough with non-sense, as spoken, here is the blog. Let´s start on and shake our backsides to get his thing going. Need to graduate and get out of here for a while :)

The book democratically chosen was Animal Farm. A great piece of world literature brought to us by a forever part and parcel of the crème de la creme of British writers (and the world´s as well, why not?), Sir. George Orwell. Other great book by this same author which you might know as it is very famous nowadays for the name and resemblance to an unmentionable silly of the silliest television program is “1984 Big Brother is Watching You”, in which he describes the world in the year 1984 as completely guarded, 24/7, non-stop, the whole time, and the TV is the main tool used to keep everyone in the spotlight. Any resemblance to the present is nothing but a silly coincidence. By the way, he has some incredible maxims and among the ones I always remember is “He who controls the past controls the future and he who controls the future controls the past”. As you may have noticed by this that Wells is very politicized. His writings are full of detailed social descriptions, and at the same time has a peculiar style, usually also very critical of the type of unclear writings present in the big press and canonical Literature, often either meaningless pure entertainment garbage or really only meant to be deceiving. This political criticism is present in most of his books very clearly and maybe we could set forth a challenge here to point out the parts in the book which could support this argument.

So, going back to the book´s introduction, Animal Farm is a book that takes place in a farm (Bah!). It is an allegoric romance included in the best hundred books ever. Basically, it describes the history of corruption and treason that takes place in human´s political organizations and make use of animal characters to put this message across, in a fascinating, well-creative manner. Well, guess I´ll stop here, get my dessert, put my feet up, lay down in my nice black swing back armchair and chill-out watching CQC.

The die is cast. Let´s move those ... and start posting messages on the book. I want this blog “bombing” by the end of the year! You can read the book online clicking the links I´ll try to put on the sides of the blog´s page (right hand-side, I think). All the Best. Douglas

PS> This can be discussed, but I think this blog is an informal way to write whatever comes to our minds and not care about mistakes or anything, ok? So write on, let it flow and don´t worry about anything :)